Ocean Psy online clinical psychology coaching
Ocean Psy

Useful Links

Mental Health Services in New Zealand:


1. Lifeline Aotearoa:
– Website: www.lifeline.org.nz
– Phone: 0800 543 354


2. Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand:
– Website: www.mentalhealth.org.nz


3. Depression Helpline:
– Phone: 0800 111 757


4. Youthline:
– Website: www.youthline.co.nz
– Phone: 0800 376 633


5. Samaritans New Zealand:
– Website: www.samaritans.org.nz
– Phone: 0800 726 666


6. Anxiety New Zealand Trust:
– Website: www.anxiety.org.nz
– Phone: 0800 269 4389


7. Rural Support Trust:
– Website: www.rural-support.org.nz
– Phone: 0800 787 254


Free Meditation Resources:


1. Tara Brach – Guided Meditations:
– Website: www.tarabrach.com/guided-meditations/


2. Insight Timer:

– Website/App: insighttimer.com


3. Calm:
– Website/App: calm.com


4. Headspace:
– Website: www.headspace.com


5. Mindfulness Awareness Research Center (MARC) UCLA:
– Website: www.uclahealth.org/marc


6. Smiling Mind:
– Website: www.smilingmind.com.au


7. Mindful.org:
– Website: www.mindful.org


8. Mindful Self-Compassion Guided Meditations:
-Website: centerformsc.org/practice-msc/guided-meditations-and-exercises


9. Self-Compassion.Org

-Website: self-compassion.org/category/exercises/#guided-meditations


Free Mental Health Workbooks:


1. Centre for Clinical Interventions (CCI):
– Website: www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/Resources/Looking-After-Yourself


2. Moodjuice:
– Website: www.moodjuice.scot.nhs.uk


3. AnxietyBC:
– Website: www.anxietybc.com/resources


4. Get Self Help:
– Website: www.getselfhelp.co.uk/freedownloads2.htm


5. Psychology Tools:
– Website: www.psychologytools.com/resources


Compassion Therapy Resources:


1. Compassionate Mind Foundation:
– Website: www.compassionatemind.co.uk


2. Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) Resources:
– Website: www.compassionatemind.co.uk/resources


4. Center for Compassion Focused Therapy:
– Website: compassionfocusedtherapy.com


6. Self-Compassion by Dr. Kristin Neff:
– Website: self-compassion.org


Compassion Therapy Podcasts:


1. Tara Brach
– Hosted by: Tara Brach
– Listen: www.tarabrach.com/talks-audio-video


2. The Compassionate Achiever
– Hosted by: Dr. Christopher Kukk
-Listen: www.christopherkukk.com/the-compassionate-achiever-podcast


3. The Compassion Revolution
– Hosted by: Amy Leigh Mercree
– Listen: www.amyleighmercree.com/podcast


4. Self-Compassionate Prof
– Hosted by: Dr. Ariane Machin
– Listen: www.selfcompassionateprof.com/podcast


6. Untangle
– Hosted by: Meditation Studio
– Listen: www.meditationstudioapp.com/untangle


8. The Mindful Kind
– Hosted by: Rachael Kable
– Listen: www.rachaelkable.com/podcast)

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